My perfect vacation, Naturally shopping, Solo
Published the 11 January 2021
“Epicurean, noun: affable and curious, the epicurean is very recognisable; equipped with smoked glasses to protect their eyes from the sunset observed from a terrace or the beach, they often wear sneakers or comfortable sandals when exploring the streets in search of the best restaurants. Their acute sense of taste and smell make them formidable connoisseurs when it comes to enjoying life’s pleasures, following up on top tips and sharing moments of togetherness with family or friends.”
Do you fit this description? Then this article is for you. Here we reveal all the best spots to ensure you live your passion for food to the full !

Out on the terrace, under the sun
Kick off your day with a trip to the indoor market, heaven for lovers of fine food. Here, the impressive diversity of colourful stalls will provide you with everything you need to show off your cooking talents to your loved ones. And why not stop at the cheese stall, to get a few tips on delicious food combinations ?
“Cheese is also great for nibbles with drinks. Follow our expert advice to put together a platter to your taste. If you like mild cheese, then you’ll love a Dent du Chat from Savoie or a truffle-speckled Gouda. If you want to balance the choice, then a mature French Mimolette or Dutch Gouda should do the trick. Match them with a red or white wine (or even a beer!), call a few friends, and savour the moment!”
Vincent, Terre de Fromages
Meanwhile, what’s on the programme for lunch ? Mussels and chips in the sun ? A seafood platter ? A house burger ? An Italian meal or a gourmet restaurant? There are plenty of good restaurants here: the choice is yours !
A nice little nap on the warm sand will do you good and restore your energy. You’ve barely dozed off when… it’s suddenly time for an afternoon snack! Head for the town centre for an icecream, a crêpe, or something chocolatey !
Start the evening at one of the beach bars. There’s nothing simpler: good friends, a deck chair, the setting sun, feet in the sand and a glass in the hand* to accompany a delicious platter of nibbles. All the ingredients you need to bring out the epicurean in you.
*Alcohol can be harmful to your health. Please drink responsibly.