Visite guidée – La Baie de Canche à la lueur des lanternes

Friday, November 4, 2022 - 5:00 pm
Friday, December 21, 2022 - 5:00 pm

As the sun goes down, the senses awaken and the darkness unveils its mysteries: the spray whips your face, the wind makes the leaves tremble in the trees, and on the ground you can see the footprints of an animal. At the bottom of the forest, you can hear the song of a bird. Is it that of a nightingale? In the light of the lantern, Isabelle guides you and makes you discover the Bay of Canche and its dunes in a completely different way...

Duration: 1h30 on foot
Lanterns provided
Limited gauge

6€/child aged 6 to 17 included
24€/2 adults-2 children
Free for children under 6

Centre Nautique de la Baie de Canche at the sign "Departure of guided tours Nature en Baie de Canche" avenue Jean Ruet
On reservation on 03 21 06 72 00
Hosted by the Heritage & Nature Pole of Touquet&CO.

The resort is happy to offer you a loyalty program, 100% free, open to all and for the whole family!
Whether you are a “Resident” or “Amis du Touquet”, this loyalty program is for you!


Open from 12 to 12 April 2024
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Open from 26 to 26 April 2024
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