Caddy Express / Navettes / Bus

NAVETTE CADDY EXPRESS : Le Touquet / Etaples station

Le Touquet-Paris-Plage provides you with a very comfortable shuttle.
The Caddy Express will run from Thursday to Monday inclusive during the day and evening, in line with train arrival times at Etaples station. Learn more


Here are the timetables for regular lines serving Le Touquet-Paris-Plage from June 1, 2023 :
Line 1 : Etaples-sur-Mer / Berck-sur-Mer.

Here are the timetables for regular lines serving Le Touquet-Paris-Plage from June 1, 2023 :
Line 1 : Etaples-sur-Mer / Berck-sur-Mer -
school dubbing.

NAVETTES : Etaples-sur-Mer / Le Touquet-Paris-Plage

Traffic on weekends and every day during school holidays
(zone B et C).
from June 1, 2023
: Etaples-sur-Mer / Le Touquet-Paris-Plage


2 navettes at your service :
- La navette "Mer et Forêt" runs on weekends, public holidays, Thursday mornings and every day during school holidays (zone B and C). It consists of 35 stops in the city center, with a passage every hour. It is FREE.
Download the shuttle circuit

- A free shuttle runs every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., it consists of 9 stops allowing you to reach the Canche activity zone with a passage every hour.
Download the shuttle circuit